
The two faculties, Pharmacy and Sciences, welcomed the new academic year by organizing an international conference with developmental goals and aspirations, focusing on research and scientific topics that target developments in the fields of science and pharmacy locally and globally.

During the conference's opening, the university's president, Dr. Salama Al-Nuaimat, emphasized that the world's current civilizational and qualitative leap in various fields requires institutions of higher education to keep pace and move forward. He said, "These institutions are the essence of the nation's advancement and the beacon of its future towards the royal vision, through which His Majesty the King aspires for education and higher education to be a window of progress, advancement, and excellence. Mutah University has adopted this as a motto for its performance, a goal for its plans, which has resulted in achieving advanced positions and rankings in local and global classifications.

Al-Nuaimat affirmed that the international conference of the two Faculties, Pharmacy and Sciences, adds a new scientific and research achievement to the university, especially as it hosts a constellation of scientists, experts, and researchers in scientific developments, knowledge, and research, creating an atmosphere for the exchange of knowledge and sciences.

 The conference's president, Dr. Marwan Al-Mousa, spoke about the value of the conference in creating a state of cognitive and academic communication between the university and higher education institutions in sister and friendly countries, praising the directives of the university's management to deepen these relationships, in line with the university's vision and philosophy in developing its outcomes, providing a model academic environment for scientific research for faculty members and postgraduate students, as he expressed it.


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